Sahira Javaid

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Review: A Crown Of Wishes

Author: Roshani Chokshi

Genre: YA High Fantasy

Rating: 5/5 stars!

If Roshani’s words aren’t enough to leave you spellbound, then I’m not in love. ( I so am in love. An encapsulating kind of love.)

I’m in love with this book, so much, It’s now on the top of my most beloved of books.

People aren’t perfect, but we still love those who are dear to us. They might do some things that annoy us, they may be fierce to the point of seeming careless, but when they do those little things for you, see you for who you are, understand you as a person, you know why you love them.

A Crown of Wishes is meant to be a companion novel to Roshani’s The Star Touched Queen, but even if you haven’t read it, you will be able to step into the world without feeling too lost. But, for those who have read the first book, you’ll be pleased to read the familiarity.

A Crown of Wishes is a sumptuous read. Every word is like a mouthful of flavour you just need to savour! Gauri is not your typical heroine. Although named the jewel of Bharata, she is strong in both mind, emotion and body. A strength where she holds flaws like a real person. Her growth in the book is a masterpiece to behold as she goes through decisions she must make.

Vikram’s eyes widened. “What’s this? Praise from Her Beastliness in the morning? Are you under a curse that makes you friendly before noon? If so, how do we make it permanent?”

Vikram is a cunning as his nickname: The Fox Prince, but kind, philosophical and charming. You won’t find an abusive and broody man here! I fell hard for him the moment he steepled his fingers and showcased his lopsided grin.

I love both of them and they complement each other so beautifully! They are like two pieces of a puzzle. Each unique, each complete, but they still compliment each other. Their banter will make you laugh and smile and their relationship will shake your being to the core. I especially loved the Vetala, that creature was hilarious! You will be entranced by this mesmerizing book. I just have to mention that, because it is so good. The writing is lyrical, luscious and decadent. If poetic prose is not your thing, well, you might drag on some words. This is beautiful and if you have the heart of a poet, you will especially adore the writing.

“Vicious and sweet,” said Vikram, shaking his head. “Beastly girl.” 
“You like me, don’t lie,” I teased.
“I couldn’t lie if I tried,” he said quietly.

Even right now, as I flip pages to find the quotes like gems, it’s like returning to another home. A place so familiar. It caries sweet memories. I need to share some passages to further entice you if you aren’t already convinced. (I had golden washi tape, so my book is flecked in gold where I caught a glint of beautiful gems. The quotes, I mean.)

He stared at me. “Are you done?”

“May I get up?”

“I see you like your men with their egos gutted.

“Only when I’ m feeling generous.”


Just one last quote.

“Existence is the gift. Life is a choice.”



Review: A Crown Of Wishes

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