Sahira Javaid

Author/ Blog site

Myself in the Story of InuYasha

 Myself in the Story of InuYasha


“I found myself, not when I was alone, but when someone loved me. And I loved them. Love is a mirror. You see the good in others, but that good is what you hold deep inside. So they see themselves in you. When both of you share that connection, what ties you together is an understanding that can beat any darkness. reflect it and it is truly a love that can be eternal”- Sahira

I found myself in the story of InuYasha. It helped me as a teen. Funny how art/stories can put things into perspective and help you search your own soul. *smiles*

Most people would think of InuYasha and say he was rude, impulsive, a jerk and aggressive. But, to me, I saw the way he kept his true feelings hidden behind his scoffing. He didn’t want to get hurt and was afraid others would think he was weak. He was strong both physically and in heart. Countless times, even as a human he would endure severe wounds and would still fight with the pain. As a child he felt out-of-place, since he was half demon. He didn’t know where he belonged and told himself he’d make his own place. I related with him as a teenager. As I followed the feudal tale of InuYasha, I saw his character grow and become more open. To me InuYasha will forever be an inspiration that is close to my heart.






image by San Watanabe

Image edited by me with text.

Myself in the Story of InuYasha

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